




 第45WEF東京国際会議(The 45th World Education Fellowship Tokyo International Conference)は2021年度WEF国際教育フォーラムを兼ねて、次の通り開催されました。   



100 Years of New Education : Towards the Future of the Children of the World



 2021911日(土) ― 13日(月) (3日間) 








 194-8610 東京都町田市玉川学園6-1-1






<11 September 2021 (JST)>


1000 ― 1200 自由研究発表 *(国内大会) Only available in Japanese

1300 ― 1400 全国理事会*(国内)理事会メンバーのみ Only available in Japanese

1430 ― 1530 総会 *(国内)日本支部会員のみ Only available in Japanese



International   Only available in English


17:40 ― Opening Ceremony      *Start time has been changed.

Opening Remarks

ARAI Ikuo, President of the Congress, President of WEF Japan section


Greetings from the UK Headquarters

Christine WYKES, Chair of WEF UK Headquarters


1800 ― 1900 100th anniversary lecture of NEF/WEF

David TURNER, WEF E-Communications Secretary/ University of South Wales / Beijing Normal University

Schools of the future/ The future of schools


1930 ― 2100  Parallel Sessions 1

Parallel Session A: Education for Children 

Chair: ARAI Ikuo, Seisa University

Vice Chair: MATSUI Kathy, Seisen University


1) KONO Michiyuki, Ehara Minami Elementary School / IGAMI Kumiko, Hitomi School / FUJIHARA Nobuhiko, Naruto University of Education/ Gary Foskett, UK LondonDi institute / YAMASAKI Yoko, Mukogawa Women's University

    Group activities for children on Shikoku walking pilgrimages: Development Informal education programmes based on the six intelligences”


  2) Sarah Elisabeth GANSS, Friedrich Schiller University Jena

A Digital Atmosphere? Rethinking Bollnow’s Concept of “Pedagogical Atmospheres” in the Face of Digitalisation


  3) Christoph SCHRÖDER, Friedrich Schiller University Jena

 On the educative relation in Martin Buber’s Speech about ‘Education’


Parallel Sessions B: History of New Education

Chair: YAMASAKI Yoko, Mukogawa Women’s University

Vice Chair: KAWASAKI Akiko, Rikkyo University


1) KAWAJI Ayako, Kobe University 

Daily Life Writing in Japan: Creating alternative textbooks and culture


commentator: Peter Cunningham, Cambridge University



2) Karsten KENKLIES,  University of Strathclyde

Japanese Bildung: Georg Kerschensteiner’s pedagogical perspective on Japan


3) Pia DIERGARTEN, Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Development “Bildung” beyond the Humanist Tradition. Reforming the

German Concept of “Bildung” towards an Education for Sustainable Development





 <12 September 2021 (JST)>



*(国内大会)Only available in Japanese


1330 ― 1600 全人教育提唱100年記念シンポジウム

1330 オープニング 





1400 ― 1600 全人教育提唱100年記念シンポジウム「全人教育の歴史と展望」


山名 淳(東京大学教授)







1600 クロージング 動画「全人教育 未来へ」



International  *Only available in English

1700 ― 1800  Keynote Speech

Ralf KOERRENZ, Friedrich Schiller University Jena

The Whole Person as a Key Concept of the New Education


1815 ― 2000  100th Anniversary Symposium of NEF/WEF

100 Years of New Education: What Can We Do for Children of the World?



David TURNER, WEF E-Communications Secretary/ University of South Wales /  Beijing Normal University

ARAI Ikuo, President of the Congress, President of WEF Japan section, Joetsu University of Education, Seisa University

YAMASAKI Yoko, Mukogawa Women’s University



OBARA Kazuhito, Tamagawa University

MATSUI Kathy, Seisen University


2030 ― 2130  Parallel Sessions 2

Parallel Session A: Education for Children 

Chair: ARAI Ikuo, Seisa University

Vice Chair: KOBAYASHI Makoto, Tamagawa University


1) Daniel LÖFFELMANN, Friedrich Schiller University Jena 

Digital Education and its Inherent Link to New/Progressive Education.

A Conceptual Study using the Example of the Latest German School Reform


2) Lena KÖHLER, Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Learning to renew the world. Perspective on education with Hannah Arendt


Parallel Session B: History of New Education

Chair: YAMASAKI Yoko, Mukogawa Women’s University

Vice Chair: KAWASAKI Akiko, Rikkyo University


1) Clemens KLEIN, Friedrich Schiller University Jena

What does it mean to be human in a digital world? The pedagogy of Otto Friedrich Bollnow revisited


2) James OGUNLEYE, Editor of NEW Era in Education

Challenges of Exponential Growth of Students Seeking Admission into Universities Nigeria




<13 September 2021 (JST)>


International  *Only available in English

1600 ― 1700  Parallel Sessions 3

Parallel Session A: Education for Children 

Chair: ARAI Ikuo, Seisa University

Vice Chair: KOBAYASHI Makoto, Tamagawa University


1) Makoto KOBAYASHI, Tamagawa University

 Analysis of the “Confrontation of Justice” as a learning task towards the nurturing of Global Citizenship


Parallel Session B: History of New Education

Chair: YAMASAKI Yoko, Mukogawa Women’s University
Vice Chair: KAWASAKI Akiko, Rikkyo University


1) SAKUMA Hiroyuki, Tamagawa University   

Peter Petersen’s Mischung as a Key Concept of Grouping in the Jena Plan:

Its Contemporary Significance in the Context of Inclusive Education     


1800 -  Keynote Speech


Rajeev HAZARAT, President of Gujarat Research Society / WEF India section


Traditional Values Coupled with Contemporary Thought


Closing Ceremony




Guadalupe G. de TURNER, WEF Secretary General

Priti SACHDEV, Hon. Secretary, WEF India section

Closing Remarks
 OBARA Kazuhito, Tamagawa University